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302 results:
| 2016, Human Rights and Development | Event
50th Anniversary of the Human Rights Covenants: A Civil Society Perspective on Impact and Contemporary Challenges
50 years ago the General Assembly adopted the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). But…  
| 2016, Human Rights and Development | Event
Gender Related Dimensions of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
In the aftermath of COP21, a debate on climate-resilient livelihoods and gender inequalities is particularly timely. Unequal distribution of rights, resources and power constrain many women’s…  
| Trade and Development, 2016 | Event
Unlocking the Potential for E-Commerce in Developping Countries: Towards an Action Plan for an Aid for eTrade Initiative
The rise of new e-commerce is enabling more developing countries to seize opportunities from online commerce. But significant divides remain: most people and small to medium-sized companies…  
| Human Rights and Development, Peace and Security Policy, 2016 | Event
Informal Consultation on Linking Human Rights, Peace and Security in Preparation for the High Level Thematic Debate on International Peace and Security in May 2016
FES Geneva and the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) believe that peacebuilding and human rights work by the UN and others can be strengthened by increasing understanding of the processes and…  
| Human Rights and Development, 2016 | Event
Access to Remedy: Roles and Responsibilities of Interested States in Relation to Cross-border Business Related Human Rights Abuses
This workshop was the first of a series of workshops with government and civil society actors in support of OHCHR’s Accountability and Remedy Project. The workshop series is intended to explore…  
| Trade and Development, 2016 | Event
Strategy Meeting of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation
The Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) is a group of leaders from around the world who believe that there is both an urgent need and an unprecedented…  
| 2015, Human Rights and Development, Trade and Development | Event
Side Event at 10th WTO Ministerial Conference: A Human Rights Perspective on the CFTA
Transparency and participation are key human rights principles and generally also good rules of thumb that can transform a trade negotiation from a secret, exclusive process to an open, inclusive one…  
| Human Rights and Development, 2015 | Event
UPR Pre-Session of Paraguay
The Geneva based NGO UPR Info organised UPR pre-sessions to bring together Permanent Missions, National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to discuss the human…  
| 2015, Trade and Development | Event
Side Event at 10th WTO Ministerial Conference: Mega-Regional Trade Agreements and their Impacts on Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trading Regime
As most developing countries, particularly those from Africa, are excluded from Mega Regional Trade Agreements, their position in the international trading system could face daunting challenges. In…  
| 2015, Trade and Development | Event
LDC-Journalists at the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference
The structure of the multilateral trading system plays a crucial role for further development especially of the Least Developed Countries (LDC). Thus, FES and WTO provided 12 journalists from these…  
Search results 251 until 260 of 302