
Hacia objetivos más ambiciosos

Sheill, Kate; Townhead, Laurel

Hacia objetivos más ambiciosos

Reflexiones sobre el Primer Foro de la Migración Internacional
Bonn, 2024

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Towards more ambitious goals

Sheill, Kate; Townhead, Laurel

Towards more ambitious goals

Reflections on the First International Migrationv Review Forum
Bonn, 2024

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Tariffs and human rights

Gérout, Guillaume; Cren-Larvor, Anaïs

Tariffs and human rights

A pilot analysis of the AfCFTA tariff schedules
Bonn, 2024

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Gender equality in WTO trade policy reviews

Dommen, Caroline

Gender equality in WTO trade policy reviews

The case of Germany
Bonn, 2023

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Going circular

Barrie, Jack; Grooby, Gael

Going circular

How the Harmonized System Codes can/not support a circular economy and what else could be done
Bonn, 2023

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Eine neue Handelspolitik für Afrika, bitte!

Luke, David; MacLeod, Jamie

Eine neue Handelspolitik für Afrika, bitte!

Bonn, 2023

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Une nouvelle politique commerciale pour l'Afrique, de grâce!

Luke, David; MacLeod, Jamie

Une nouvelle politique commerciale pour l'Afrique, de grâce!

David Luke et Jamie MacLeod ; Service de délivrance: Division pour la coopération internationale
Bonn, 2023

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Circular economy and trade agreements

Kaukab, Rashid S.; Merkulova, Darina

Circular economy and trade agreements

Towards developing a framework for linkages
Bonn, 2023

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A new trade deal for Africa, please!

Luke, David; MacLeod, Jamie

A new trade deal for Africa, please!

Bonn, 2023

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Make a difference!

Ismail, Yasmin; Bhagat, Varun

Make a difference!

Differential treatment of developing countries in trade and climate change regimes
Bonn, 2023

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Be more holistic!

Sajous, Leslie

Be more holistic!

Why the WTO and UNFCCC should work together more closely in the area of financing
Bonn, 2023

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Don't run alone!

Diogo, Alexandre; Kaukab, Rashid S.

Don't run alone!

Why the WTO and UNFCCC should work together more closely in the area of agriculture
Bonn, 2023

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Expanding global social protection

Kaltenborn, Markus

Expanding global social protection

Options for the design of an international financing mechanism
Bonn, 2023

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Ausweitung der sozialen Sicherung

Kaltenborn, Markus

Ausweitung der sozialen Sicherung

Optionen zur Ausgestaltung eines internationalen Finanzierungsmechanismus
Bonn, 2023

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Global solidarity funding for social protection

Global solidarity funding for social protection

A brief for the case of Nepal and Uganda
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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Financing social protection

Manuel, Marcus

Financing social protection

Domestic and external options in low-income countries
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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Human rights economics

Dommen, Caroline

Human rights economics

An enquiry
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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 A whole agreement approach

Bayat, Nadira

A whole agreement approach

Towards gender mainstreaming in the AfCFTA
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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Human rights and the African Continental Free Trade Area

MacLeod, Jamie

Human rights and the African Continental Free Trade Area

Taking stock and navigating the way forward
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

Download publication (900 KB, PDF-File)

A global fund for social protection

Lwanga-Ntale, Charles

A global fund for social protection

Views from selected low-income countries
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

Download publication (230 KB, PDF-File)

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