
Fine tuning the institution building

Kirchmeier, Felix

Fine tuning the institution building

the 6th session of the UN Human Rights Council, 10-28 September
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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Mainstreaming development in the WTO

Ismail, Faizel

Mainstreaming development in the WTO

developing countries in the Doha Round
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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FES/WTO International Workshop for Parliamentarians from Developing Countries on "Trade Liberalization and Development - WTO and the Doha Round"

Grammling, Steffen

FES/WTO International Workshop for Parliamentarians from Developing Countries on "Trade Liberalization and Development - WTO and the Doha Round"

World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva, 18-20 March 2007
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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News and links of water as a human right

Theemann, Yvonne

News and links of water as a human right

Yvonne Theemann. - Geneva : Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, 2007. - 76 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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Un largo camino que recorrer

Spieldoch, Alexandra

Un largo camino que recorrer

el impacto de género en la liberalización del comercio de nuestro sistema alimentario, los mercados agricolas y los derechos humanos de las mujeres
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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Un dur labeur

Spieldoch, Alexandra

Un dur labeur

les consequences de la libéralisation du commerce international d'un pont de vue du genre sur notre système alimentaire, sur les marchés agricoles et sur les droits de la femme
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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A row to hoe

Spieldoch, Alexandra

A row to hoe

a study on the gendered impact of trade liberalization on our food system, on agricultural markets and on women's human rights
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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Trade and employment

Trade and employment

the launch of a ground-breaking ILO-WTO study
Bonn, 2007

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Towards the implementation of the right to development

Kirchmeier, Felix; Lüke, Monika; Kalla, Britt

Towards the implementation of the right to development

field-testing and fine-tuning the UN criteria on the right to development in the Kenyan-German parthership
Genf;Bonn, 2008

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Building the new Human Rights Council

Abraham, Meghna

Building the new Human Rights Council

outcome and analysis of the institution-building year
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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Rethinking the trading system

Kwa, Aileen

Rethinking the trading system

Genf;Bonn, 2007

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Beyond the divide

Howse, Robert; Teitel, Ruti G.

Beyond the divide

the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the World Trade Organization
Berlin;Bonn, 2007

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Suspension of the World Trade Round

Adam, Erfried

Suspension of the World Trade Round

multilateralism, global governance, and development policy in crisis ; special offprint from IPG 4/2006
Berlin, 2006

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ILO - UN Normen

Feldt, Heidi

ILO - UN Normen

Synergien oder Konkurrenz? ; Diskussionspapier
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Report: UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Business and Human Rights, regional consultation, Bangkok, 25.-27.6.06

Kirchmeier, Felix

Report: UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Business and Human Rights, regional consultation, Bangkok, 25.-27.6.06

Genf, 2006, 2007

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Report of the session "G-20 Civil Society Views on WTO" at the WTO Public Forum 2006

Grammling, Steffen

Report of the session "G-20 Civil Society Views on WTO" at the WTO Public Forum 2006

Geneva, 26 September 2006
Berlin, 2006, 2007

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A new chapter for human rights

Abraham, Meghna

A new chapter for human rights

a handbook on issues of transition from the Commission on Human Rights to the Human Rights Council
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Meaningful change

Casey, Roseann

Meaningful change

raising the bar in supply chain workplace standards
Genf, 2006, 2007

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ILO - UN standards

Feldt, Heidi

ILO - UN standards

synergies or competition? ; discussion paper
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Collective human rights protection in Europe - the difficult road to proteccting human rights

Kirchmeier, Felix

Collective human rights protection in Europe - the difficult road to proteccting human rights

report of the FES panel discussion in Berlin, May 15th 2006
Berlin, 2006, 2007

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