
Tomorrow's world of migration and mobility

Tomorrow's world of migration and mobility

Geneva, 2017

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La Zone de libre-échange continentale (ZLEC) en Afrique, vue sous l'angle des droits de l'homme

La Zone de libre-échange continentale (ZLEC) en Afrique, vue sous l'angle des droits de l'homme

Geneva, 2017

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The Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) in Africa - a human rights perspective

The Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) in Africa - a human rights perspective

Geneva, 2017

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Geneva, 2016

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Human rights Geneva bulletin

Geneva, 2016

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Beyond the procedure: the Universal Periodic Review as a catalyst for public debate on human rights

Parra, José

Beyond the procedure: the Universal Periodic Review as a catalyst for public debate on human rights

selected nationa lpractices : exploratory study
Geneva, 2017

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Conception de la Zone de libre-échange continentale (ZLEC)

Gathii, James Thuo

Conception de la Zone de libre-échange continentale (ZLEC)

Une perspective sur les droits humains en Afrique : étude exploratoire
Geneva, 2017

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Designing the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA)

Gathii, James Thuo

Designing the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA)

An African human rights perspective : scoping study
Geneva, 2017

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Evolution not revolution

McMahon, Edward R.; Johnson, Elissa

Evolution not revolution

the first two cycles of the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review mechanism
Berlin,Geneva, 2016

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In need of rethinking

Schillinger, Hubert René

In need of rethinking

trade policies in times of de-globalisation
Berlin,Geneva, 2016

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Lost in a spaghetti bowl?

Herfkens, Eveline

Lost in a spaghetti bowl?

Mega-regional trade agreements, Sub-Saharan Africa and the future of the WTO
Berlin, 2016

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Goals for the rich

Goals for the rich

indispensable for a universal post-2015 agenda ; discussion paper
Berlin, 2015

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Fighting climate change: the contribution of the Human Rights Council

Lador, Yves

Fighting climate change: the contribution of the Human Rights Council

Geneva, 2017

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Breathing life into the list

Cosbey, Aaron

Breathing life into the list

practical suggestions for the negotiators of the Environmental Goods Agreement
Geneva, 2017

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UN Human Rights Council

Rathgeber, Theodor

UN Human Rights Council

challenges for its next presidency
Berlin, 2015

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The return of geopolitics

Dieter, Heribert

The return of geopolitics

trade policy in the era of TTIP and TPP
Berlin, 2014

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El examen periódico universal

El examen periódico universal

importan las recomendaciones propuestas por la sociedad civil?
Berlin, 2014

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El examen periódico universal

McMahon, Edward R.

El examen periódico universal

un trabajo en progresso
Berlin, 2013

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The universal periodic review

The universal periodic review

do civil society organization-suggested recommendations matter?
Berlin, 2013

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Towards a framework convention on the right to development

De Feyter, Koen

Towards a framework convention on the right to development

Berlin,Genf, 2013

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