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302 results:
| 2017, Employment and Social Policy | Event
Labour Rights in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Austerity Policy
In response to debt and financial crises States have adopted fiscal consolidation measures, such as reducing the public sector wage bill or the number of people employed in the public sector, and…  
| Migration, 2017, Human Rights and Development | Event
Global Migration Scenarios: Second Scenario Workshop
This workshop, jointly organized by FES Geneva, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Global Future, a Geneva based NGO, constituted the second meeting of invited experts who take…  
| Human Rights and Development, Trade and Development, 2016 | Event
Validation Meeting on the Human Rights Impact Assessment of the CFTA
Since 2015 the Economic Commission of Africa, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the FES Geneva office are undertaking a joint project to realize a Human Right Impact Assessment…  
| Trade and Development, Human Rights and Development, 2016 | Event
Parallel Session at the Africa Trade Week: Human Rights Impact Assessment of the CFTA
Although the CFTA is expected to boost intra-African trade and create aggregate gains for the continent, the distribution of these gains will be key. This session presented a Human Rights Impact…  
| Human Rights and Development, 2016 | Event
The Right to Land and Other Natural Resources
The expert seminar on the right to land and other natural resources addressed questions around the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. Should the UN…  
| Human Rights and Development, 2016 | Event
Sharing the Lessons Learned: Business&Human Rights, Conflict Sensitivity, Business&Peace
This roundtable, jointly organized by FES Geneva, the Quaker United Nations Office and the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, aimed to bring together experts from the human rights, environmental rights…  
| Human Rights and Development, 2016 | Event
Rights and Resources: Embedding Human Rights into Corporate Tax Regimes
As part of the programme of the 5th Forum on Business and Human Rights this session, jointly organized by the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), the FES Geneva Office…  
| Human Rights and Development, 2016 | Event
Inequality as a Danger to Sustainable Peace – Converging Perspectives on Human Rights and Peacebuilding
Inequality does not only encompass economic inequality but includes the unequal distribution of resources, gender inequality as well as access to social services and the justice system. Over the last…  
| Employment and Social Policy, 2016 | Event
The Social Protection Floors: Achieving Social Security for All - Implementing an International Concept on the National Level
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has decided to put the concept of SPF at the centre of its activities in the area of social justice. Therefore, FES colleagues and representatives of partner…  
| Human Rights and Development, 2016 | Event
Arabic Speaking Training Course on International Human Rights Mechanisms
In cooperation with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Geneva Institute for Human Rights, FES Geneva organized an advanced training course on human rights and the UN…  
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