Thursday, 01.12.2016 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Validation Meeting on the Human Rights Impact Assessment of the CFTA

Since 2015 the Economic Commission of Africa, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the FES Geneva office are undertaking a joint project to realize a Human Right Impact Assessment of the Continental Free Trade Area in Africa.

The aim of this meeting was to validate and discuss the preliminary findings of the final HRIA report, specifically from the case studies verifying the various cause-effect channels linking trade measures with potential impacts on right to food, livelihoods, cross-border trade and freedom of movement. The meeting assessed the recommendations to be built into the trade agreement or included in a parallel agreement or side-letter, technical cooperation or capacity-building project and national measures. We also examined the recommendations relating to institutional and structural mechanisms.

Geneva Office

Chemin du Pommier 42
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex

+41 (0)22 733 34 50
+41 (0)22 733 35 45

