
Erosion of trade preferences and aid for trade initiative

Inama, Stefano

Erosion of trade preferences and aid for trade initiative

towards a new paradigm?
Bonn, 2006

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Time for a change

Malik, Mahnaz

Time for a change

Germany's bilateral investment treaty programme and development policy
Bonn, 2006

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South Africa's bilateral investment treaties

Peterson, Luke Eric

South Africa's bilateral investment treaties

implications for development and human rights
Bonn, 2006

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The right to development - where do we stand?

Kirchmeier, Felix

The right to development - where do we stand?

State of debate on the right to development
Bonn, 2006

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UN norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations

Rathgeber, Theodor

UN norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations

Bonn, 2006

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The future of WTO's Doha Round

Grammling, Steffen

The future of WTO's Doha Round

from the suspension of the negotiations to possible scenarios and their implications for development
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Second session of the UN Human Rights Council

Kirchmeier, Felix

Second session of the UN Human Rights Council

Felix Kirchmeier. - Geneva : Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, 2006. - 109 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization
Genf, 2006, 2007

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WTO's Doha development agenda: Suspension of negotiations reveals the underlying problems of the Round

Grammling, Steffen

WTO's Doha development agenda: Suspension of negotiations reveals the underlying problems of the Round

[Steffen Grammling]. - Geneva : Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, 2006. - 100 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization
Genf, 2006, 2007

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The optional protocol to the Convention Against Torture

Kirchmeier, Felix

The optional protocol to the Convention Against Torture

Felix Kirchmeier. - Geneva : Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, 2006. - 105 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Special session of the UN Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in Palestine

Kirchmeier, Felix

Special session of the UN Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in Palestine

Felix Kirchmeier. - Geneva : Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, 2006. - 102 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Inaugural session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Kirchmeier, Felix

Inaugural session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Geneva 19 to 30 June 2006
Genf, 2006, 2007

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WTO's Doha Development Round in crisis

Grammling, Steffen

WTO's Doha Development Round in crisis

squaring the "tringle of issues"
Genf, 2006, 2007

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An update on negotiations of WTO's Doha Development Round

Grammling, Steffen

An update on negotiations of WTO's Doha Development Round

another missed chance or business as usual?
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Stand der Verhandlungen zum UN Menschenrechtsrat

Kirchmeier, Felix

Stand der Verhandlungen zum UN Menschenrechtsrat

Felix Kirchmeier. - Geneva : Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, 2006. - 264 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Current developments in the negotiations on the United Nations Human Rights Council

Kirchmeier, Felix

Current developments in the negotiations on the United Nations Human Rights Council

Felix Kirchmeier. - Geneva : Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, 2006. - 264 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization
Genf, 2006, 2007

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Brazil's foreign economic policy

Maag, Isabelle

Brazil's foreign economic policy

South - South, North - South or both?
Berlin, 2005

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Another look at the GATS

Sussex, Edward

Another look at the GATS

Bonn, 2005

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India's negotiation positions at the WTO

Brümmer, Julia

India's negotiation positions at the WTO

Genf, 2005

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Working time and international competitiveness

Hagen, Katherine A.

Working time and international competitiveness

Genf, 2005

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Die Verankerung von Arbeitnehmerrechten in bilateralen und regionalen Handels- und Investitionsabkommen

Greven, Thomas

Die Verankerung von Arbeitnehmerrechten in bilateralen und regionalen Handels- und Investitionsabkommen

Berlin, 2005, 2007

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