
Migration is a fundamental part of human behaviour. Climate change, environmental pollution, natural disasters, violent conflicts, economic insecurity are some of the reasons why people migrate. While inequalities and power structures exacerbate the reasons to leave one’s home, the lines between forced and chosen migration are rarely clear.

Our social democratic vision for the future is a world in which migration is a free choice and mobility is based on the values of human rights and global solidarity. Based on the Global Compacts on Migration and on Refugees, and the Sustainable Development Goals and through close collaboration with the UN Network on Migration, OHCHR, the Treaty Body System, Special Rapporteurs, and civil society we work to strengthen the promotion and protection of human rights of all migrants.


Monday, 12.06.2023 - Thursday, 22.06.2023 - Bonn, Germany / Geneva, Switzerland

Bringing Climate Migration Voices into Global Spaces

A civil society delegation highlighting voices of climate-impacted communities took four regional policy briefs on climate change, human mobility, and human rights to Bonn and Geneva

In 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that while adaptation to climate change remains both possible and essential, the window is fast closing as “limits to adaptation will be reached in more systems, as global warming increases.” IPCC’s assessment report cites growing evidence that climate hazards and variability are directly causing displacement, and are contributing to migration – often into other vulnerable situations – as a coping strategy. It also notes that not all households and communities are able to move out of harm’s way, even as the climate risks that they face continue to grow. 
Since 2018, the Climate, Migration, and Displacement Platform (CMDP) has reflected the voices and needs of climate-impacted communities and of migrants and displaced persons in relevant global policy processes. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) has partnered with CMDP to increase the visibility of these concerns – and potential ways forward – with governments and other audiences during two major global events in June 2023, the Bonn Climate Change Conference and the 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council.
In April and May 2023, FES and CMDP members convened four regional consultations on climate change, human mobility, and human rights. Through in-person and virtual activities, these consultations brought together nearly 100 participants from civil society networks, research organizations, and frontline communities in Africa, Latin America, the Pacific, and South and Southeast Asia (download below). Each consultation produced a regional brief that discusses the climate change context and existing laws, policies, or programs relevant to climate-induced migration, displacement, and planned relocation; and names key gaps, given the challenges facing impacted communities, along with recommendations to fill these gaps. These are summarized in a CMDP global brief and highlights note.
A delegation (see bios below), including representatives from each of the four regional consultations, was now bringing forth these priorities to decision-makers in Bonn and Geneva. Delegates are highlighting how climate change is directly impacting families, communities, and vulnerable groups in their countries and regions, and what actions governments and UN agencies can take to ensure human rights are upheld – including rights for people on the move because of climate change, and the right to stay and adapt in place for as long as possible. 
In July and August, delegates will report back to regional consultation participants on their experiences in Bonn and Geneva, and continue to identify ways to strengthen regional platforms for advocating in relevant international forums, including COP28, the upcoming Regional Reviews of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), as well as with regional bodies and national authorities. CMDP and FES will also host a follow-on dialogue between delegates and broader audiences, in an upcoming CMDP quarterly platform call. 
For more information, please contact:
FES – Salome Lienert, Program Officer Human Rights and Development, FES Geneva, slienert(at)fes-geneva.org
CMDP – Andrew Fuys, CMDP steering group, afuys(at)cwsglobgal.org


Side Event: Human Rights, Climate Change and Disaster Induced Migration & Displacement - Regional Perspectives

SB58, Bonn (Germany), 14.06.2023

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Geneva Office

42 Chemin du Pommier
1218 Grand-Saconnex

+41 (0)22 733 34 50
+41 (0)22 733 35 45





Salome Lienert

Program Officer
Human Rights and Development
