
United Nations and Global Dialogue, Office Geneva

Chemin du Pommier 42
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex

+41 (0)22 733 34 50
+41 (0)22 733 35 45




Trade and Development

Trade and Development

Trade is a powerful engine. But who is driving the engine? And what else needs to be done to let all parts of society benefit from trade policy? We try to empower those who are not yet the main beneficiaries of the current trade policy regime. More

Employment and Social Policy

Employment and Social Policy

Decent work for all is not a slogan for us. It is our mission. We work together with a vast variety of stakeholders to achieve decent work for all; for the informal and formal sector, for women and men, for more and less advantaged. More

Human Rights and Development

Human Rights and Development

The list of challenges to human rights in the 21st century is long. Climate change threatens fundamental human rights, such as the right to food, water or adequate housing. Austerity measures sacrifice the public’s right to social security, health and work in an attempt to balance state budgets. More



Migration is a fundamental part of human behaviour. Climate change, environmental pollution, violent conflicts, economic insecurity are some of the reasons why people migrate. While inequalities and power structures exacerbate the reasons to leave one's home, the lines between forced and chosen migration are rarely clear. More

Media Center

| 2025, Trade and Development | Media Center

Standing tall as the winds howl

Not the right of the strong, but the strength of the law must prevail in the political arena – this applies particularly to trade policy


05.12.2024 | 2024, Human Rights and Development | Media Center

Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Addressing the most pressing human rights issues during the 48th UPR Pre-Session.




Thursday, 20.02.2025 - Online | 2025, Trade and Development | Event

How digital trade can empower African economies and workers.


Thursday, 21.11.2024 - Geneva, Switzerland | 2024, Human Rights and Development | Event

Online discussion to launch the Arabic version of the publication on coalition-building for the UPR supported by FES Geneva, Nov. 21, 3 p.m. (Geneva…


Friday, 08.11.2024 - Geneva, Switzerland | 2024, Trade and Development | Event

The so‐called geoeconomic turn in global trade policy‐making has changed the context in which the European Union positions itself as a trade actor.…



Mont Blanc trade news

WTO MC13 special edition
Geneve, 2024

Go to Publication

Hacia objetivos más ambiciosos

Sheill, Kate; Townhead, Laurel

Hacia objetivos más ambiciosos

Reflexiones sobre el Primer Foro de la Migración Internacional
Bonn, 2024

Download publication (450 KB, PDF-File)

Towards more ambitious goals

Sheill, Kate; Townhead, Laurel

Towards more ambitious goals

Reflections on the First International Migrationv Review Forum
Bonn, 2024

Download publication (460 KB, PDF-File)

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Global and European Politics

Global and European Politics

The activities of the Global and European Politics Department at FES aim at developing concise alternative policies aimed at a just global transformation, together with our worldwide partners.


FES New York

FES New York

Thematic features of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) office in New York include the UN debate on Financing for Development, the reform and strengthening of ECOSOC and the work of the UN Commission on Social Development.


IPS Journal

IPS Journal

International Politics and Society is a young magazine with a much older heritage. Launched in January 2017, the online journal highlights global inequality and brings new perspectives on issues such as the environment, European integration, international relations, social democracy and development policy.


Social Protection Floor

Social Protection Floor

The Global Coalition promotes social protection floors as key instruments to achieve the overarching social goal of the global development agenda. Social protection is one of the foundations for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development.
