Monday, 28.09.2020 - Friday, 02.10.2020 - Virtual

Virtual Consultations on the Establishment of a UN Special Procedure on Human Rights and Climate Change

The FES is supporting its partner organisations in holding virtual regional consultations to strengthen the discussion towards the appointment of a UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change.

Photo: Photocase_Nilsoehr

The six consultations are organised with the support of regional partners in the Pacific, Asia, French-speaking Africa, English-speaking Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Europe, the Arctic and English-speaking Americas. The objectives of the consultations are to raise awareness in the various regions about the opportunities that a new UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate change would provide, as well as to collect inputs on how the Special Rapporteur could best support affected communities. The various inputs will be collected in a publication to be released in December.

Participation by invitation only.


Geneva Office

42 Chemin du Pommier
1218 Grand-Saconnex

+41 (0)22 733 34 50
+41 (0)22 733 35 45

