Wednesday, 16.12.2015 - Nairobi, Kenya

Side Event at 10th WTO Ministerial Conference: Mega-Regional Trade Agreements and their Impacts on Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trading Regime

As most developing countries, particularly those from Africa, are excluded from Mega Regional Trade Agreements, their position in the international trading system could face daunting challenges.

In addition to lowering tariff rates among their participants, these “mega-regionals” are expected to cover a wide range of behind-the-border trade-related areas. Furthermore, it is crucial for all WTO members to analyse carefully the geopolitical implications of such mega RTAs. The event stimulated discussions about developing countries’ opportunities to address their critical economic and development needs in the context of such agreements. Speakers included Eveline Herfkens, Heribert Dieter and others.

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