
New Study "The UPR: Beyond Reporting"

17 case studies on the impact of the UPR process

The end of the 3rd cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a good moment to reflect on the impact of the process. It is a useful mechanism to contribute to creating a human rights culture, fostering transparency and accountability, strengthening national institutions, and raising the voice of people living in vulnerable situation. The study “The UPR: Beyond Reporting” looks at transformational changes on the ground and will inform both policy makers and practitioners in the 4th UPR cycle and contribute to the advancement of human rights globally.

By focusing on a set of good practices developed by States, CSOs, and other stakeholders, the study features 17 case studies and shows how UPR recommendations contributed to reinforce national efforts to achieve concrete and transformative progress. The development of national strategy to combat racism, racial discrimination and other forms of intolerance, the decriminalisation of abortion, the establishment of a national human rights institution, and the elaboration of a public policy to combat HIV/AIDS are just a few examples showcased in the report.

The case studies presented in the publication demonstrate how the UPR offers different opportunities to advance human rights and provide guidance and inspiration to different stakeholders on how to creatively engage with the UPR. While it is a universal mechanism there is not a universal formula to achieve change. A broad range of factors, as the synergies among national actors, the social political context and the different strategies used are key factors that lead to improve the situation on the ground.

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