Thursday, 16.04.2015 - Friday, 17.04.2015 - Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia

Multistakeholder Expert Workshop on a Potential Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) of the Continental Free Trade Area in Africa

The aim of this workshop was to strategize on a potential human rights impact assessment (HRIA) of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA), on which negotiations will begin in 2015.

By undertaking an HRIA focusing on agriculture and employment at the outset of the negotiation process, this would provide negotiating countries with an evidence base and policy recommendations on a critical sector (agriculture) and common challenges (employment) from which to develop an effective and coherent approach to the negotiations with a view toward realizing outcomes that are aligned with national human rights as well as development commitments and priorities. The meeting featured a validation and discussion of an issues paper prepared by OHCHR in collaboration with ECA and FES. It aimed at elaborating future steps in the HRIA process. 

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1218 Grand-Saconnex

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