
Far from Realizing the Vision of the Global Compact on Migration

Spotlight report about key issues affecting migrants at the grassroots, national and regional levels.

The Spotlight Report on Global Migration (SRGM) provides recommendations and solutions to the UN member states at the IMRF in May 2022.

The first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) will take place from 17-20 May 2022 at the UN headquarter in New York. At this UN forum, states will join with other stakeholders to discuss the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

To elevate migrant voices and perspectives, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is supporting the Global Coalition on Migration in launching the Spotlight Report on Global Migration (SRGM), which addresses grievances and outlines policy priorities for real change to improve the lives of migrants.  

To make real progress on the commitments of the GCM, the first IMRF should strongly advocate for a shift towards rights-based, gender-responsive, and permanent regular pathways for migration, regularization of undocumented migrants, and protection of migrants’ rights, including labor rights. The IMRF and follow up action must acknowledge the reality of climate-displacement, calling for regular pathways for those who are displaced. Real global cooperation is necessary to build resilient, people-centered economies that address the drivers of migration in a coherent and holistic way.

To read more on the recommendations and solutions presented by the civil society network and to download the full report in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian, visit www.spotlightreportmigration.org. Follow the link to watch the video documentaries on the work of organizations in Kenya, USA, Colombia, Scotland, and Greece.


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