Thursday, 26.11.2020 - Thursday, 26.11.2020 - 14.00pm - 16.00pm, Online

Roundtable on Renewable Energy and Gender Justice

The Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung invited to a virtual roundtable discussion amongst human rights and gender experts, to deepen our collective understanding of the renewable energy and gender justice nexus, focusing on opportunities to increase women’s energy access and the risks for women’s rights, of large-scale renewable energy projects.

Representatives of women’s rights groups shared their direct experience from the ground and their analysis of the issues and demands for change. Through this dialogue between women’s rights advocates and human rights experts from the UN Committee on the Elimination of  Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls (WGDWAG), we hope to contribute towards building the awareness of the promises and pitfalls of renewable energy for women’s rights and the collective analysis of States and other actors’ human rights obligations in this context.

The Roundtable was co-sponsored by the International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific and the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development.

For further information on the topic, please see also the Briefing Paper from the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on “Renewable Energy and Gender Justice”which provides an overview of some of the main human rights issues arising in relation to renewable energy and women’s rights.

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