Thursday, 03.03.2016 - Geneva, Switzerland

Human Rights Council Side Event: After Paris - Continuing the Conversation on Climate Change and the Right to Health

This side event followed the High Level Panel Discussion on climate change and the right to health and the presentation of the reports by the Special Rapporteur on the environment to the Council in the morning and aimed to outline civil society perspectives.

The impacts of climate change on the right to health, human rights obligations by state parties to effectively regulate pollutive industries as well as public health policies were addressed.


  • John Knox, Special Rapporteur on human rights and environment
  • Palash Mondal, CARE Bangladesh - Impacts climate change on community health
  • Yves Lador, Earthjustice – climate change impact on public health policies
  • Budi Tjahjono, Franciscans International – Impact on communities

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