Thursday, 13.09.2018 - Geneva, Switzerland

Exploitation by Exposure: Workers’ Rights and Toxic Exposures

In his 2018 annual report to the Human Rights Council, the UN Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes (toxics), Baskut Tuncak, reports on the global crisis confronting workers exposed to toxic chemicals.

Efforts in various fora are underway to improve occupational health and safety standards.

The Rapporteur’s report offers 15 principles to help States, businesses and other actors realize everyone’s right to safe and healthy working conditions. This side event, organised parallel to the 39th Session of the Human Rights Council, will bring together representatives of States, trade unions, civil society actors, as well as the ILO and the WHO to discuss current efforts and challenges to protecting worker rights from toxic exposures, including reflections on the principles proposed by the Special Rapporteur in his 2018 report.

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